The principal component analysis resulted in four principal components i.e.

The Shannon-Wiener index (H), Margalef species richness index (D Mg) and Pielou species evenness (E) was ranged from 0 to 0.86, 0 to 0.64 and 0.78 to 1 respectively. Out of all the reported species, Metaphire posthuma was found to be the most abundant earthworm species in both cultivated and non-cultivated agroecosystems with the occurrence at 56.81% sites. Amynthas alexandri, Amynthas morrisi, Eutyphoeus incommodus, Eutyphoeus waltoni, Metaphire birmanica, Metaphire houlleti, Metaphire posthuma, Octochaetona beatrix, Perionyx excavatus, and Polypheretima elongata, were reported. The objective of the present study was to investigate the diversity, abundance, and distribution of earthworms in cultivated and non-cultivated agroecosystems and their physico-chemical properties affecting the earthworm diversity and abundance. Understanding the physico-chemical properties of soil at a particular site could facilitate the prediction of earthworm species at that site. The difference in physico-chemical properties of soil at different sites contributed to the formation of population patches for earthworm species. cultivated or non-cultivated which directly or indirectly influence the earthworm survival.

Earthworm communities are generally very sensitive to physico-chemical properties of the soil in different agro-ecosystem i.e.