To apply a ready made Text Effect, first select the text in your document, click on the Text Effects command in the Font group (on the Home tab), and select one from the gallery. You have the choice of applying ready made text effects, or you can change the following attributes individually: The control you have over Word’s Text Effects is vast. Text Effects in Word 2016 add flair to your text by applying visual embellishments such as shadows, glows and reflections. Installing The Office 2016 Technical Preview.Second Attempt At Installing Office 2016 Preview.Features That Different Microsoft Word Versions Support.Recover Lost Changes To A Word Document.In the document, select the note reference mark of the note that you want to delete, and then press DELETE. To delete a footnote or an endnote, you must delete the note reference mark in the document window, not the text of the note. Hold down OPTION, and then drag the mark to the new location.

To move or copy a note, you work with the note reference mark in the document window, not with the text of the note. Word updates cross-references automatically when you print. Hold down CONTROL, click the cross-reference number, and then click Update Field on the shortcut menu. If you add, delete, or move a cross-referenced footnote or endnote, you must update the cross-reference number. Select the note reference mark, footnote, or endnote, and then on the Home tab, under Font, apply the formatting changes that you want. You can change the size or font of the note reference mark, footnote, or endnote exactly as you would any other text. Word inserts the note number and puts the cursor next to the note number in the footnote or endnote. Under Format, select the numbering options that you want, and then click Insert. Under Location, click Footnotes or Endnotes, and then on the Footnotes or Endnotes pop-up menu, click the location that you want. In your document, click where you want to insert the note reference mark. However, you cannot use the information in the Citations tool or Source Manager to create footnotes or endnotes, and you cannot use footnotes or endnotes to create a list of works cited or a bibliography. The source information stored in the Citations tool or Source Manager can be used to create citations, a list of works cited, or a bibliography. Footnotes and endnotes differ from citations, which are parenthetical references that are placed inline with the text. A footnote or an endnote consists of two parts - the note reference mark and the corresponding note text.

Footnotes are positioned at the bottom of the page, whereas endnotes are positioned together on a page at the end of the document. Footnotes and endnotes are used to explain, comment on, or provide references for text in a document.