Why is the mortal empires map smaller
Why is the mortal empires map smaller

why is the mortal empires map smaller why is the mortal empires map smaller

Warhammer is essentially set on Earth in the past, while "Holy Terra" is Earth in the far future with Warhammer 40,000. Looking down at that overland campaign map for the base game, you might notice some similarities there to real world topography - and that's absolutely not coincidence. Warhammer 2 Vortex Campaign Map And Settlements Developer Creative Assembly has confirmed the Warhammer 2 Vortex campaign map will be combined with the original Total War: Warhammer Old World map for a combined campaign titled Mortal Empires. Still, I think I'll reserve judgement until I actually play get to play it, tbf in ME at a glance areas like southern Naggaroth and Ulthuan felt ridiculously tiny but I managed to squeeze a lot of mileage out of them and during play they felt much bigger than they actually were, so maybe it'll be the case here too.That small number of races is about to increase significantly within the next two months. I know the islands off the Bleak Coast are a part of Naggaroth in lore, but right now they're just kinda taking up space, and the Vortex map really didn't give them a whole lot of prominence, so they could probably be pared down quite a bit to give some space for mainland Naggaroth), and also I kinda wish they added more thickness to Piranha Swamps and Night Forest Road (also Copper Desert tbh) Other stuff I would like to see would be to make the Clawed Coast/Granite Hills area in Naggaroth a bit bigger (or just wider - both provinces feel really small at a glance. idk how feasible it is to expand the Southlands post-release, but if it could be done I'm all for it. It's a shame they didn't fatten up the Southlands a little between the prototype and making the proper map - ME Southlands was ridiculously oversized and yes, I'm of the opinion it should've been shrunk for IE, but having the whole continent in IE have slightly less land than the half that was in ME feels like taking it too far - at the very least, east Nehekhara and the eastern coast of the Southlands (though it don't really need it as much as east Nehekhara does) could've done with a tiny bit of extra width.

Why is the mortal empires map smaller